Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Black and white party decor

A theme in Black and white party decor requires everything to be black, white, or both, with perhaps a touch of silver. This includes invitations, decorations, costumes, and even your cake and various food products.

A party in Black and white party decor comes to mind as we head towards the end of the year. People tend to think of hosting parties, dress with glitter and glamor, and ring in the new year. As such, it is a perfect choice for the party to take into account. However, I do not think a minute, does not fit well for a birthday party or a "just because" kind of celebration, as it does to you!

INVITATIONS - Your invitations should be of good quality and can be white or black. The impression would be made in the opposite color to the color of the request. Also, it could be a satin bow to the paper for a touch. The color of the rainbow should be opposite to that of the color card.

The invitation should be very clear that customers should dress in appropriate colors, and if you have the courage to say, you will not be allowed in the party. If you want to be beautiful and as an emergency backup, you might have at hand change of clothes for those who come in colors that are not allowed on the premises. In addition, the invitation must specify if the dress is formal, informal, or costumes. In general, the parties of this nature are often not as they are modeled after famous ball in black and white of Truman Capote.

DRESS CODE - To have your party really succeed, your guests must adhere to a strict dress code, which requires that they wear suits or formal dresses with colors of your party. The impact of the color palette monochromatic otherwise lost.

Black and white party decor - Aside from the clothes, to keep the theme as authentic as possible, all the decoration must be in black and white as well. Whether you are considering of dishes, napkins, streamers, centerpieces, balloons, leaves the curtains; all must be in one or all three colors. Keep the dramatic life, not allowing another color to get into your party room. If you are on a bit 'of a budget, a newspaper can go a long way to transform a room, make it flash card.

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